Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cyber Threat Intelligence as a Service - CTIaaS

Transformation to cyber defense
We help you improve your technical and operational capabilities. So your employees can effectively defend themselves against cyberattacks.

Our contribution to your cyber defense
You will receive recommendations from our expert consultants as part of an evaluation based on their defense experience and strategic targeting. They will review your security plans, make adjustments as needed, and work closely with your organization to form a common defense strategy. In doing so, they work with your team to develop and implement key technologies and processes in your organization's Security Operations Center (SOC) or Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT).

Cyber Threat Hunting

Cyber Threat Hunting is a proactive cyber defense measure. It lets you act in advance to defend against attacks from cyber or cognitive domains.

  • Data leaks in your company,
  • Hacker attacks,
  • Attack plans circulating among attackers about your company, etc.

As our solution, you see all threat activity under one roof. This gives you an overview of how to meet your security requirements.

Strategic operational capability

Your employees can develop their skills with our team to respond quickly and effectively to cyberattacks. So how do we ensure development?

Raising awareness about information and cyber security

This is the training to prepare for common types of attacks without going into depth.

Theoretical and practical training on cyber security

The training is intended for company employees who are familiar with and interested in IT. The titles of these trainings are determined by employees. Theoretical and practical procedures are trained here in order to be able to identify and eliminate critical vulnerabilities.


(Cyber) Risk Management


  • Continuity of business activities (Operations)
  • Emergency plan
  • Hazard prevention

Cyber risk assessment is critical to effective decision making and risk mitigation. This is where risks to your business and the damage the risks can cause are imposed. This is because criminals are able to exploit potential vulnerabilities in order to use them to break into your network.

Evaluation of the defense against ransomware

Here, your company's implemented security measures are evaluated on how resilient they are against possible ransomware attacks. Today, many top companies suffer from financial and reputational losses due to this type of attacks. Our team fights ransomware and thus prevents possible damages.

Assessment of defense against advanced persistent threats (APT).


  • Asset Management
  • Vulnerability analysis
  • Corporate governance, risk and compliance

With us you discover

  • the most common APT attacks and possible defense techniques
  • APT tools and the creation of effective APT checklists.

Your organization's employees will first receive an introduction to APT and its purpose before moving on to the steps of the APT lifecycle.


Incident Response

You want to reduce the risk of future incidents by trying to,

  • quickly detect an attack?
  • minimize the impact on your security solutions?
  • contain the damage?
  • or eliminate the cause?

Our consultants support you and your employees in optimizing this response process. This enables your organization to take swift action in the event of active and unpredictable attacks.


Security solutions

Security solutions

Secure your IT infrastructure with proactive threat hunting.
CS VISOR Security Services is happy to advise you on Cyber Threat Intelligence, Phishing Protection, Managed Services, and Information Security Training.



Find out about our current course dates and secure your place if you are looking for a dream job in information and cyber security. We look forward to meeting you!
Career service

Career service

Cybersecurity Analyst, Incident Responder, Penetration Tester, Ethical Hacker, or Security Audit according to ISO 27001. Find the best candidate for your company with CS VISOR. Success with a special concept.

Contact us! We are happy to advise.

CS VISOR hat sich als Unternehmen für Sicherheitslösungen und als moderner Bildungsträger in der Cybersicherheit spezialisiert. Unsere Mission reicht von der Neuheit entsprechenden innovativen Cybersicherheitslösungen für Unternehmen über von Arbeitsagenturen und Jobcentern geförderte Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen bis hin zur Personalvermittlung unserer erfolgreichen Absolventen.


+49 8231 - 922 06 - 68


+49 8231 - 922 06 - 29


+49 8231 - 922 06 - 17

Ansprechpartner BfA/JC

+49 8231 - 922 06 - 45